End of holiday depression...again...
Every 'two-weeks-of-resting-and-doing-practically-nothing' must come to an end. I knew that, when it started, at the 17th of Oct.
I worked a bit last week again, on thuesday-wednesday-thursday, only to make a bit-of-a side money for november. I rode to work and back every day, that's totalled up to nearly a 100k in 3 days, with some serious hill-climbing included.The shortest route from work to home ends in a jawdroppingly steep little street, with 15% avarage steepness for 500 m. The real climb starts 1.5 km earlier, makes us alltogether 2k with 200m D+ to climb, which is not that easy at all. Stunningly beautiful cardio-training, I tell You that.
A day rest, and 1st of November came - and with it, the Piros85 as well. I woke up at 4:30, drop in a coffee, and 5:15 cought me on the bus already on my way to the start at the 3rd district of Budapest.
I pre-arranged everything, so all I had to do, is to drop my bag to the truck and grab my itinerary for the trip. 88k with 3200m D+ were waiting for me for the 7th time in the last 8 years.
I started out strong, did three geocaches during the first 10k and reached the CP in the village of Dömös, by the Danube river at 10:40 with a time of 4:20 (29k w 1000mD+) That's a fast walking pace, my very own I'd say - I mean it's comfortable for me. I met a guy just before the village, and from there we gone together for the rest of the day. There came a major climb to Dobogókő, followed by a basically sloping 17k, the next major CP with soup, and restplace (54k with 2000m D+). My time was 8:25, which was promising. There's a time, when one starts to count the minutes remaining till nightfall. I secretly wanted to reach the village of Nagykovácsi (66k) - and that we easily achived later on. That was the last warm place before the night, set in the parish of the Calvinistic community of the village. There're tea, and home-made chocolate and cheese from Erdély, and a warm place to sit down. The temperature started to drop rapidly as the night set in, but we had to carry on, as the remaining part was only 22k. Practically, we did not sit or rest much during the last 4 hours, thanks to the 3-4 degrees outside temperature.
The last few climbs were as easy as the first ones, that I mainly thanked to the constant pace we kept all day; we even outrun a couple of trail runnersrunning walking strolling upway to the last hill before Budaörs, where we finally finished at 9:05 pm; with a total time of 14:40. For the seventh time, but only the third best time overall for me.
Bit of pain, bit of joy, bit of tiredness, but nothing that kicked me off my feet - am I bored of this? As a matter of fact, seventh time the same route might got me bored...
Following day (Sunday the 2nd) a half-maraton happened to be on trail, with a 1000m D+ together with my Darling, and Sophie, our puppy :)
Every 'two-weeks-of-resting-and-doing-practically-nothing' must come to an end. I knew that, when it started, at the 17th of Oct.
I worked a bit last week again, on thuesday-wednesday-thursday, only to make a bit-of-a side money for november. I rode to work and back every day, that's totalled up to nearly a 100k in 3 days, with some serious hill-climbing included.The shortest route from work to home ends in a jawdroppingly steep little street, with 15% avarage steepness for 500 m. The real climb starts 1.5 km earlier, makes us alltogether 2k with 200m D+ to climb, which is not that easy at all. Stunningly beautiful cardio-training, I tell You that.
A day rest, and 1st of November came - and with it, the Piros85 as well. I woke up at 4:30, drop in a coffee, and 5:15 cought me on the bus already on my way to the start at the 3rd district of Budapest.
I pre-arranged everything, so all I had to do, is to drop my bag to the truck and grab my itinerary for the trip. 88k with 3200m D+ were waiting for me for the 7th time in the last 8 years.
The last few climbs were as easy as the first ones, that I mainly thanked to the constant pace we kept all day; we even outrun a couple of trail runners
Bit of pain, bit of joy, bit of tiredness, but nothing that kicked me off my feet - am I bored of this? As a matter of fact, seventh time the same route might got me bored...
Following day (Sunday the 2nd) a half-maraton happened to be on trail, with a 1000m D+ together with my Darling, and Sophie, our puppy :)