Monday, 23 March 2015

Thesis writing in progress... Silent please!

It's a heavy job, but eventually have to be done. Practically occupies my every thought, but sometimes I just wish to leave it all behind, and burn the fucking laptop down...
Those are the times, when it's better be outside, preferably in the woods running or hiking.

I did visit my beloved Börzsöny a month ago, nice trip, 54k/2700mD+, real heavy-duty stuff, not the course, but the conditions, that surprised me. There were a lot of snow high up, and despite that lot of running i managed to do, my result was still kindof shite.
Here's some pics, captured on-the-fly. I really didn't have much time to fart about:


After that, the last week of february, was the one, where thesis-things started to fasten-up a bit, and they never shut the fuck up since.
I finished eventually the month with 160 kms spending mainly in the woods, plus a  wee bit of biking (just under 4 hours); quite unusually in february, that one can already rehash his bike...

March came, and marched on with stable 10-12 degrees,which is nice. To celebrate the new spring, a new circle to run on was put together: 10.7k w 365m D+. Around 50% on single lane footpath, probably less than 10% on surfaced road (yuck!) and the rest is on dirt roads. Did it 5 times already in the last 3 weeks, with the best time of 55:30.

Honestly i don't have much time to exercise, it's downgraded on weekdays to a maximum 1 hour/day level...Weekends are different, but still: the main subject have to be the thesis now, or nothing; as I have only 5 weeks left 'til the deadline. Short runs on weekdays, and hikes over the weekend, last time in the Eastern-Bakony, 22k, on the NBT (i just put together that out of thin air: National Blue Trail, stands for Országos Kék Túra.). Beautiful spring developing there as well. A bit late, but really beautiful.:)

Oh, and here's some pics from february, just in a nutshell.

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