Tuesday, 5 April 2016

I decided a few days ago that I am gonna turn this blog into some sort of a plog. It's originated from the fact that I am clearly unable to lead this blog in it's classic written form, mainly because I never had the urge to spread my thoughts to the outside world.

I had the fortune a few weeks ago to buy a secondhand Canon DSLR machine. Soon enough I found myself outdoors, crawling on the ground wherever, and trying to get the best closeup possible of any growing thing. It's really hard I have to say, and soon I experienced firsthand that I knew already: it's a whole new task to take a photo with a DSLR with all the settings, and preparations. But if it's done right, the results are outstanding. It's worth every second!

So about the plog: my purpose would be simply the following: I tend to publish one meaningful photo every single day from today onward. That's a hard thing to do, especially with an indoor workplace and all, but hopefully i can handle the task. I always did love to take photos, I just never had the proper equipment apart from compact or bridge cameras.

But taking a photo each day, I can easily check my progress if there'll be any, and see the world from different angle than before.
The task started today, at the 5th of April, 2016.
Oh, and finally: I'm kind of an addict of macros, and horrified of portraits, or anything that has something to do with flesh and blood humans. So lots of macros, some landscapes, sunsets,sunrises, and skies, and very little antroponetic stuff coming up hopefully for a month at least.

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