Monday, 2 May 2016

During this last month, as I tried to shoot and posted a picture every (well almost every) day, slowly I started to feel the need for a more precise lens for the camera to do the job with, I mean to be able to shoot more detailed close-ups if possible. I figured a few other things out about DSLR photograpy, and now I feel that I am definately sratching the surface of the subject.

I have no intention to break this series of posts throughout May neither, so more macros coming up each day, hopefully better and sharper ones as well.

I have no proper knowledge of smoothly watermarking every of my photos ( at least not in my linux distro), so as a protection, I rescale each of them to 0.5 Mpx as it's virtually impossible to use by anyone other than a facebook cover photo. :)  That's probably made them little less detailed, losing some edge here and there, that I must apologize for.

My botanical knowlegde however still kindof sucks, as unfortunately I have no idea what's the above pictured flower whatsoever. I'll try to improve that side of the project as well in the future.

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