Thursday, 19 May 2016

The twin of the previous b&w shot, taken in Bakar, Croatia. Tripping up around the Croatian coastline, one can feel many different emotions, and experience a huge contrast both in infrastructure-wise, as well as in architecture. The differences are everywhere, even in their lifestyle, and the way as the locals are rolling along with it. There's houses that bears gunshot holes from the Yugoslavian wars from two decades ago, and never been restored. There's streets that got less attention than others closer to the sea, or lower on the hillside. And at the same time, one can drive along the coast for 30 miles, and sees nothing just perfectly placed apartments, restaurants, caffees, pubs, piers, without even suspecting that there's gunshot wounds on a forgotten house uphill; because all that matters: be nice, organized, spat and polished out in front. Sadly, the rest is forgettable for the average tourists. No offense, just if the cap fits; ...You know. (05.19.)

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